confetti on the streets
This is a series of prints I did last year .It was a lot of fun pasting these around the streets of Berlin and Hamburg with my friends
and my brother Jakob,of course
I started working on woodcuts in the summermonths of 2010 and continued in march 2011 after the disastrous earthquake in Fukushima.Then I finished the work:Sadako Sasaki.
It relates to a little japanes girl who is remembered for a thousand paper cranes before her death.She was a victim of the Hiroshima bomb and was diagnosed with leukemia .sadaki began to fold paper cranes in reference to an ancient japanese tale in which the gods offer a whish to whoever will fold a thousand paper cranes.It's told that she foldet 644 and then died.Her friend finished folding the 1000 paper cranes and burried them with her.
"But you don't need to see
And when I feel like
Spending one more day
On german streets, far away"
a walk
We're open
Sweet friends,
now it is official!
Our shop has been created with lots of love and is now OPEN.
Of course I didn't do it myself since I know nothing about html or building websites ,
therefore I have to thank Jasper who spent hours of programming,crafting
and drinking Cola almost constantly;)
It has been in the back of my mind for a long time to do a strictly limited edition of the woodcuts .
All available work is carefully handprinted and sometimes coloured and finished with leafgold by myself.
All unique prints are archival and signed by me .
I hope you enjoy
A luminous Advent season to you all !Marie
Liebe Freunde ,
nach tagelanger ,kaffeelastiger Programmier und Bastelarbeit ist es endlich soweit unser SHOP ist eröffnet.
Dort bietet sich euch die Möglichkeit einen oder mehrere der Drucke von den Holzschnittplatten zu erstehen.
Ich habe jeden Druck selbst abgezogen ,teilweise mit Blattgold verziert und ,manchmal auch koloriert.
Diese Auflage ist streng limitiert .
Jeder Druck ist ein von mir nummeriertes ,handsigniertes Original.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn die Bilder recht bald zu euch nach Hause fänden.
Eine leuchtende Adventszeit ,kuschelige warme Decken und keine kalten Füsse wünscht Marie